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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 05:38:32 +0000

Comment #9 on issue 3115 by address@hidden: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap

I'm not so sure reverting is the best course.
The best course is a proper fix.  It won't fall magically from the sky.   
The various parts of the patch are not documented, the commit description  
does not even mention beaming.
The code fixes the very specific bug ...
It does so by removing a previously existing user setting.

If the callback is overridden with a specific pair of numbers it becomes the user's responsibility to ensure the beams don't collide with any accidentals present.
Exactly.  That's complete hogwash since it means that any change in the  
_style_ of beaming (that's why this is a user-customizable value) will  
result in the bug being back.
That's not a fix of the bug, it's putty and string.  It is now impossible  
to override the equivalent of globally without getting the bug  
back, and there is no reasonable way a user can incorporate the bug fix  
into his override.
You write something like

but the jump in the second beam-gap seems to be required to make a gap when an accidental is present (?)
But that's pure guess work as nothing is documented and there is no way to  
figure out what the magic values are for.  So it's impossible to know how  
this code will react to differently sized accidentals (different style,  
cautionary in different size, cautionary with parens) and there is no way  
to figure out what one will have to do when the magic values don't fit.   
And then one will not just have to choose different settings but one will  
have to write new code.
It's not just that the settings are no longer user-serviceable, the code is  
not programmer-serviceable either.
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