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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3711 in lilypond: Patch: CG: reemove informati

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3711 in lilypond: Patch: CG: reemove information about frogs and frog meister, and some other stuff
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2013 22:39:36 +0000

Comment #7 on issue 3711 by address@hidden: Patch: CG: reemove information about frogs and frog meister, and some other stuff


I know.  That's why i called it "prejudice" - it's irrational.

Unless you were planning not to compile any change to LilyPond afterwards

That seems to be completely irrelevant in my case. Thanks to a script i made ( - which somehow was quite ignored by other developers - i generally build different patches separately. At the moment i have 47 builds, all connected to the main repository, and whether i run make with one patch doesn't influence how i work on another patch.

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