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[Lilypond-auto] Issue 4222 in lilypond: ChordNames

From: lilypond
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 4222 in lilypond: ChordNames
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:42:27 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect

New issue 4222 by address@hidden: ChordNames

In ChordNames output, after issue 1503 the "add" is omitted by default before each additional interval added to a triad. Sometimes, however we need the "add" to distinguish cases, as in the example below.

  \new ChordNames \with {additionalPitchPrefix = "add" }
  \chordmode {
    c1:9^7 % Cadd9   root-3-5-9
    c1:9   % C9      root-3-5-7-9
If we leave out the \with{}, LilyPond prints "C9" for both chords.

Probably the put the default back to "add", and let users writing for jazz musicians \set additionalPitchPrefix = "" Or better, we might have a separate property for the prefix before the _first_ pitch to add skips an interval larger than a third from the top nte of the base chord, and let that prefix be "add" by default.

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