From: | Auto mailings of changes to Lily Issues via Testlilyissues-auto |
Subject: | [Lilypond-auto] [LilyIssues-auto] [testlilyissues:issues] #5393 Another fingering vs. accidental problem |
Date: | Fri, 31 Aug 2018 09:44:51 -0000 |
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[issues:#5393] Another fingering vs. accidental problem
Status: Started
Created: Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:21 PM UTC by Simon Albrecht
Last Updated: Thu Aug 30, 2018 05:39 PM UTC
Owner: Torsten Hämmerle
It appears that there are several issues with the interaction of fingering and accidentals; we already have [#3692] as well as the fixed issues [#728] and [#193]. Now this is the report by Pierre Perol-Schneider:
\version "2.18.2" % or 2.19 << \clef "G_8" \time 2/4 { \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) | % mes.7 <e-1>8 fis <gis-1> a } \\ { \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) | % mes.7 <gis,-3>8 a, %% uncomment the following line: %\once \override Fingering.Y-extent = #'() <b,-2> c } >>
The first fingerings are independently positioned while the second integrate the accidental sign to calculate the padding.
This happend with sharp glyph only.
I guess it has something to do with upper 'Y-extent from the fingering -- not from the accidental glyph(?) --, however I did not find any issue.
and more examples by Torsten Hämmerle:
Fingering positions at the left concerned:
1. Why aren't the numbers placed below the accidental even if there's plenty
of space?
2. Why do numbers above an accidental overlap?This strange effect can be perfectly explained when assuming that horizontal positioning is done in a state where the numbers still sit on their baselines and these baselines are at the height of their corresponding notehead.
After horizontal positioning, these numbers will be centred vertically, i.e. shifted down by half a staff-space (because they happen to be about a staff-space high).
This shift will make them either overlap an accidental below or create an unnecessary gap.I've tried to illustrate this in the following PDF: test-accidental-fingering2.pdf
and Thomas Morley (output attached):
I tried to Y-center the Fingering-stencil.
Though, with the example below the result is not all that convincing. If fingerings are 'right the default is already inconsistent, for different numbers.
Additionally, if fingeringOrientations contains 'left or 'right a FingeringColumn is built at Staff-level, so the 'snap-radius-property comes into play.No real clue how to proceed...
Here my testings:
yCenterFingeringStil = \override Fingering.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-aligned-to (ly:text-interface::print grob) Y CENTER)) mus = { <d'-8 ais'-4 bis'-5 d''-8 e''-8 >4. r8 <d'-1 ais'-2 bis'-3 d''-4 e''-5 >4. r8 } { \time 2/4 \mark "Fingerings left" \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) <>^"default" \mus \yCenterFingeringStil <>^"tweaked" \mus <>^"snap-radius tweaked as well" \override Staff.FingeringColumn.snap-radius = 1 \mus } { \time 2/4 \mark "Fingerings right" \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) <>^"default" \mus \yCenterFingeringStil <>^"tweaked" \mus <>^"snap-radius tweaked as well" \override Staff.FingeringColumn.snap-radius = 1 \mus }
Here’s the e-mail thread: (July portion) (August portion
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