\version "2.13.57" \header { texidoc = "How can I increase the spacing between the footnote and the tagline or copyright markup?" copyright = "© by No One. All right reserved, even though no rights exist..." } \paper { footnote-separator-markup = \markup { \fill-line { \override #`(span-factor . 1/4) { \draw-hline } \null }} % None of these spacing settings work to separate the footnote from the footer: last-bottom-spacing #'minimum-distance = #10 last-bottom-spacing #'padding = #5 markup-markup-spacing #'padding = #5 } \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Organo *" } \relative c' { \footnoteGrob #'NoteHead #'(0 . 0) "" "* Realization of figured bass: Reinhold Kainhofer" c1 } }