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Re: poll: switching our development platform

From: antlists
Subject: Re: poll: switching our development platform
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 23:18:44 +0100
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On 21/04/2020 18:54, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Okay, so let me try to briefly summarize the expressed opinions on the
list so far (correct me if I got something wrong or missed a point):
Han-Wen is in favor of Gerrit; David leans towards GitLab; Federico and
me are in favor of GitLab; Werner is fine with both solutions.
David, Dan, and Federico comment that Gerrit would still leaves us with
SF for hosting the issues; James says that image attachments (without
sharing links) are a good thing to have - as far as I understand for
both bug reports and reviews.

Something I haven't seen mentioned here, but it was mentioned elsewhere (lwn I believe) some forges are not nice for email usages.

And something I've noticed recently - it used to happen a bit but it's an awful lot nowadays - threading is blown to buggery. The skyline code thread, the scheme_hash_table thread, they're all broken up into multiple threads about 1 email each ...

imho, this is an absolute pain.


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