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[RFC] HTML documentation with texi2any

From: Jonas Hahnfeld
Subject: [RFC] HTML documentation with texi2any
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2023 14:40:59 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.48.4

Hi all,

after some more work, I think I have resolved most details for
generating LilyPond's HTML documentation with texi2any. The only minor
detail I would like to call out (for transparency) is that we will
again have "see section" when building with Texinfo 6.7, essentially
It is (in my opinion) a very minor cosmetic change and, as you can read
up in that merge request, it already hit some objections when it was
introduced one and a half years ago. With texi2any, we do not have the
same customization hook and would have to format all references
ourselves. Additionally, "see section" will again disappear with
Texinfo 6.8 because of upstream changes, so I propose we just live with
that for now.

There will certainly be other (hopefully smaller) problems, but I
believe there aren't major blockers anymore. I would therefore like to
propose that we switch to texi2any reasonably soon. Please note that
the only really critical part is the website because it's generated
from master, and that one should be in fairly good shape. Minor
problems in the other manuals "only" affect the unstable releases and
can probably be dealt with as they are discovered.

For a possible timeline, we could wait for the release of LilyPond
2.25.8 (probably September 16/17 because I'm travelling next weekend,
unless Jean wants to do it again) and then merge the changes right
after. This would still allow us to maybe shake out some first problems
and also clean up some workarounds remaining from texi2html.

What do you think?


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