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Thoughts on next stable release(s)

From: Jonas Hahnfeld
Subject: Thoughts on next stable release(s)
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 22:24:19 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.52.2

Hi all,

it's been 7 months since the last stable (bugfix) release, LilyPond
2.24.3. Today I went through the list of all (smaller) merge requests
and marked those that we might want to apply to the stable/2.24 branch
with the Backport label:[]=Backport

It's not many and they are each small, but in my opinion we could think
about having LilyPond 2.24.4 in early / mid July. What do you think? If
there are other changes that you would like to see backported and I
missed so far, or you are unsure about, please ping me on GitLab or
reply to this message.

Looking at the bigger picture, we released LilyPond 2.22.0 in early
2021 (it slipped from late 2020) and version 2.24.0 in late 2022. That
said, I'm not sure there is already "enough" to plan for 2.26.0 and
maybe we should not try to squeeze it into this year. As a result, if
Debian stays at the two-year release cadence, Debian 13 "Trixie" next
year would continue to provide LilyPond 2.24. I personally think that's
acceptable, but please voice your opinion.


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