\version "2.24.1"
(ref layout props def-x def-y line-width args) (number? number? number? markup-list?)
(let* ((default-x (* .1 def-x))
(default-y (- (* .1 def-y) 165)))
(interpret-markup-list layout props
\markuplist {
\with-dimensions-from \null {
\fontsize #-2
\translate #(cons default-x default-y)
\override #`(line-width . ,line-width)
\wordwrap { #args }
\paper {
top-margin = 10
left-margin = 20
\header {
title = "Test"
\markup\ref #129 #244 #80 {
Source: \italic { Japanese Popular Music: a collection of the popular music of Japan rendered in to the
staff notation, } by Y. Nagai and K. Kobatake, 2nd ed., Osaka, S. Miki & Co., 1892, pp. 96-97.
Transcribed into Finale music notation by Tom Potter, 2005. See
http://www.daisyfield.com/music/ Lyrics added by Karen Tanaka and Michael Good, 2006. See
{ c' }