\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \begin{document} In a lilypond-book document, you can freely mix music and text. For example: \begin{lilypond} \score { \notes \relative c' { c2 g'2 \times 2/3 { f8 e d } c'2 g4 } } \end{lilypond} Notice that the music line length matches the margin settings of the document. If you have no \verb+\score+ block in the fragment, \texttt{lilypond-book} will supply one: \begin{lilypond} c'4 \end{lilypond} In the example you see here, two things happened: a \verb+\score+ block was added, and the line width was set to natural length. You can specify many more options using \LaTeX style options in brackets: \begin[verbatim,11pt,singleline, fragment,relative,intertext="hi there!"]{lilypond} c'4 f bes es \end{lilypond} \texttt{verbatim} prints the LilyPond code in addition to the graphical score, \texttt{11pt} selects the default music size, \texttt{fragment} adds a score block, \texttt{relative} uses relative mode for the fragment, and \texttt{intertext} specifies what to print between the \texttt{verbatim} code and the music. If you want to include large examples into the text, it may be more convenient to put the example in a separate file: % \lilypondfile[printfilename]{sammartini.ly} The \texttt{printfilename} option adds the file name to the output. \end{document}