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RE: double repeat voltas
From: |
Trevor Daniels |
Subject: |
RE: double repeat voltas |
Date: |
Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:23:19 -0000 |
David Fedoruk wrote 13 January 2008 06:28
> I've worked ahead on this piece of music and
> found that perhaps the
> problem is not where it thought that it was.
> What I saw as a single bar line in the middle of
> a bar is actually an
> extra bar who's ending bar line I could not see
> (yet). As soon as I
> attempted to move into the next section, the end
> of the bar appeared.
This is usually a symptom of an incorrect note
duration (one that is too long) or maybe an extra
inserted note, which cause all remaining notes
to be shifted slightly to the right, and at the
end of the section the little bit left over causes
a new bar to be started. You are using bar checks,
which is good, so make sure you have these inserted
frequently, in even every bar if the rhythm is complex,
and in all voices, including skip voices, and look for
errors in the log file. I would hazard a guess that
your skip notes don't quite match the music length.
Check the upbeats are correct too.
> This has been a hair puling problem (thankfully,
> I still have hair
> left -- so I am not yet defeated!). The music is
> as I have described
> in my first post. I am at the point where the B
> section is ending and
> the last A is upon me.
> | A |: B1 :|: B2 | B2 1st ending :| B2 2nd ending | A ||
> The problem first occurs in the second ending, a
> bar line in the
> middle where it should not be. The other problems
> in this section come
> from having to move from the B section which is
> one voice to the A
> section which has two voices. I've only been
> partially successful in
> solving this problem.
> %%%% Snip %%% % bar 48
> }
> \include "english.ly"
> \version "2.11.37"
> upper = \relative c'' {
> \clef treble
> \key bf \major
> \time 2/4
> \mark "Allegro"
> \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
> \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
> \set tupletSpannerDuration =
> #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
> \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t
> % second ending
> { { \times 2/3 { f16[ ) a, ]
> \change Staff = lower \stemDown f a[ f
> ] \change Staff = upper f'( d[ ) a ] \change
> Staff = lower d, f,[
> bf,\! ] \p a' \change Staff = upper }
> } \bar "||"
> % bar 48
> }
> }
> \set Score.currentBarNumber = #49
> \bar ""
> | \break
> \clef treble
> \key d \minor
> \times 2/3 { \change staff = lower
> bf16)->[ e, ] cs'( \change Staff
> = upper e)->[ g, ] a ] bf->[ f ] d'( ] f)->[
> a, ] bs( } |
> \times 2/3 { cs16)->[ g e'( ] } \times 2/3
> { g) [ bf,? ] d( } \times
> 2/3 { ef->) a,[ a'( ] } \times 2/3 { c?->)[ c, ] d( } |
> }
> lower = \relative c' {
> \clef bass
> \key bf \major
> \time 2/4
> \skip 16 \skip 16*8
> | \break
> \set Score.currentBarNumber = #49 \bar ""
> \clef bass
> \key d \minor
> r8 <a,, a'>4-. <d d'>8-.~
> | % bar 49
> <d d'>8 <e
> e'>4-. <fs fs'>8-.~
> |
> }
> \score {
> \new PianoStaff <<
> \override PianoStaff.SpacingSpanner
> #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
> \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano "
> \new Staff = "upper" \upper
> \new Staff = "lower" \lower
> >>
> \layout { }
> \midi { }
> }
> %%%%%% END SNIP %%%
> I hope this is enough code to see the problem.
> The change from one
> voice to two voices is faulty. It only almost
> works. and part-way
> through the first bar of A (bar 49) the end of
> the bar i saw begin in
> the middle of the second ending appears.
> Cheers,
> David
> > > not the problem with the added bar line
> inside the last repeat.
> >
> > Can you please post a (small) example?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Valentin
> >
> --
> David Fedoruk
> B.Mus. UBC,1986
> Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003
> http://recordjackethistorian.wordpress.com
> "Music is enough for one's life time, but one
> life time is not enough
> for music" Sergei Rachmaninov
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