thanks for showing me that thread. I read only mails with a subject
that gets my attention in any way, and the subject Lilypond API wasn't
one i would consider interesting for me nor be related to Notepad++.
So this is just another reminder there are people using Notepad++ and
some day there will be appropriate support for Lilypond available some
day, sooner or later.
Tomas Valusek
Valentin Villenave napsal(a):
> 2008/1/19, Tomas Valusek <address@hidden>:
>> Hello,
>> is there a lilypond language definition available for Notepad++ 4.7,
>> which supports user language definitions? Thank you.
> You might be interested in reading the whole conversation on
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2006-12/msg00321.html
> Cheers,
> Valentin
lilypond-user mailing list