BTW, have you (Lilypond community) ever thought about recording some *screencasts*?
This is the way how many people learn using a program and, even though you might think this could work just with graphics or video software, I guess it may work for lilypond as well.. (at least for new users)
I like this idea. I've thought about doing a podcast about Lilypond, but then ran into the problem that it would really need to be a screencast for it to do any good, and I don't have time to learn how to do screencasts.
Also, can you improve any examples? I mean, the Goyescas /
Granados example and Cary / Baca examples look *wicked awesome*.
In contrast, the tablature example bores me to tears, the vocal
music example is probably missing a / accent in "trou-ve", etc.
I'd be really glad to help with the tablature example.
I think a modern piece would be better in this case, as tablature are used by modern guitarists.
What about a Scott Joplin ragtime arranged for guitar? (it is in the public domain)
I guess a good example should show the best features of tablature support in Lilypond.. There are any other requirements?
That'd be great, Federico. I think there's still a big ugly blinking "help!" thing by the tablature example, so I'd be glad to have a different example.
BTW the vocal example is a motet that I transcribed from a medieval manuscript facsimile, and I'll be happy to check if there's a missing accent, but I'm pretty sure it's correct (according to Medieval French anyway). I'll check when I get back home, though. Right now I'm in NY on vacation.