What days are you free enough to be put on the
-- Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:19
Subject: Re: Call for help
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Carl Sorensen <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear LilyPond user community,
The LilyPond
development team is somewhat stressed right now, due to a variety of
issues (seems like it's a different one for each developer). We *really*
need to increase the size of the development pool. But we aren't
ready right now to mentor inexperienced developers.
So, since you're
not an experienced developer, how can you help? By taking over
bug-squad duties. We currently have a couple of bug-squadders who
are also developers. If we could relieve them of their
bug-squad responsibilities, it would make time for them to work on their
other development projects.
Being a bug squad member requires *no*
development expertise with LilyPond. You simply need to be able to
use LilyPond, a web browser, and email. And it only requires 20
minutes per day. You can volunteer for one or two days per week, so
the total time per week is less than an hour.
To learn more, please
look at Chapter 8 of the Contributor's Guide for version 2.15.
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/contributor/introduction-to-iss ues
you're interested in volunteering to help keep LilyPond moving
forward, please send an email to the Bug Meister, Phil Holmes, who is
copied on this email.
Thanks in advance for your willingness to
help with this!
Carl Sorensen
Hi Carl, Phil, et al. -
We're reasonably settled in our new
home, so I'm ready to take a shot at rejoining the Bug Squad. What do you need
me to do, Phil?
-- Ralph
Palmer Brattleboro, VT USA address@hidden