Am 16.01.2012 09:37, schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Hi Thomas,
indexItems =
#(define-music-function (parser location text) (markup?)
(let* ((text-rev (if (string? text)
(markup->string text)))
(args (string-split text-rev #\#))
(initial (string-upcase (substring (car args) 0 1)))
(label (gensym "index-item")))
;; add label to all index-lists with predefined label
(add-abctoc-item! 'abcTocItemMarkup text-rev label)
(add-index-item! 'indexItemMarkup text-rev label)
(add-index-item! 'indexSectionMarkup initial label)
(add-customtoc-item! 'customTocItemMarkup text-rev
... you can simply return the last (add-customtoc-item!
'customTocItemMarkup text-rev label) here. It already creates the
label-event-chord. The point is, that all different toc-entries
share one page-label.
Cheers, Jan-Peter