On 4/15/12, Xavier Scheuer<address@hidden> wrote:
On 16 April 2012 00:36, Hwaen Ch'uqi<address@hidden> wrote:
Greetings All,
I am attempting to tie two notes of an arpeggiated chord into the
chord proper. However, one of the ties appears more as a tiny dot
rather than a curve. Can anyone explain the reason for this and offer
a solution? Please find the code below.
Many thanks.
I don't know the reason but one solution would be to use something like
\override Tie #'minimum-length = #2
Xavier Scheuer<address@hidden>
Greetings Again,
Many thanks, Thomas and Xavier. I have tried the solution but to no
avail. I have noticed that, when the same passage is transposed a
step, the smaller tie is drawn correctly as a curve. There seems to be
a conflict with the presence of the staff line and the tie. Below is
my code again, this time showing the successful transposition first,
followed by the original example without and with the adjustment to
minimum-length. Thank you in advance for any more help.
Hwaen Ch'uqi
\version "2.14.2"
\new Staff{
\key f \major \time 2/4 \clef treble \relative{
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\grace {dis16[ e~ a~]}<c a e>2
\grace {cis,16[ d~ g~]}<bes g d>2
\once \override Tie #'minimum-length = #3
\grace {cis,16[ d~ g~]}<bes g d>2