Hi Carl,
I'm pretty sure he wants to use the *baseline* of the characters to
relative to the staff line.
Ah, OK. Looking at the examples he's provided I see that that's exactly
what he wants.
So you can't use tab-note-head::print, since
it centers the *total extent* of the characters.
You need to find the character lookup from tab-note-head::print, and use
the character lookup to get the markup to be displayed, and offset that
from the staff line. You'll have to do all the calculations to get
to the
right string, I think.
I hadn't thought to look at the markup for the text. Doing that I see
that it's a vertically centered column. So using your tips, I get the
following which I think is a step in the right direction:
\new TabStaff
tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
\override TabNoteHead #'whiteout = ##f
\override TabNoteHead #'font-shape = #'italic
\override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #(lambda (grob)
(grob-interpret-markup grob (markup->string (ly:grob-property grob
e' f' fis' g' gis' a' ais' b' c'' cis'' d'' dis'' e'' f'' fis'' g''
(@Choan: is this what you have in mind?)