On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 10:20 AM, padovani
<address@hidden> wrote:
Em 5/21/12 11:44 AM, David Nalesnik escreveu:
\override Stem #'extra-offset =
#(lambda (grob) (if (eqv? (ly:stem::calc-direction grob) UP)
'(-0.02 . -0.25) '(0.02 . 0.25)))
Hello David,
thank you very much!
Now I see that ly:stem::calc-direction only gives me the standard Stem direction, but if I am using some \stemDown or \stemUp before the note, the lambda function will ignore the actual direction of the Stem and adjust stem offsets accordingly to the standard direction.
Do you (or anybody else) know a way to access the actual direction of the Stem?
Yes, in this instance the second option I gave (using ly:grob-property to look up 'direction) will give you the proper direction after a \stemUp or \stemDown.