From: | Pierre Perol-Schneider |
Subject: | Re: Grace Note Thickness |
Date: | Thu, 24 May 2012 17:03:26 +0200 |
2012/5/24 Pierre Perol-Schneider <address@hidden>:
Hi Pierre,>> I'm not aware I gave you any instructions. :)
> I just ment that I've change the beam-thickness in the graceSettings file.
> Sorry for the missunderstanding and for my poor english. :S
> Pierre
> 2012/5/23 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>
>> 2012/5/23 Pierre Perol-Schneider <address@hidden>:
>> > Dear Thomas,
>> >
>> > I've followed your instruction and when I code :
>> (...)
>> I'm not aware I gave you any instructions. :)
>> > Problem comes with the polyphony :
>> (...)
>> Well, I see the problem, but I'm too tired to have any useful idea.
>> Perhaps tomorrow.
>> Cheers,
>> Harm
in the NR 1.2.6 Special rhythmic concerns, Known issues and warnings
you can read:
"The use of grace notes within voice contexts confuses the way the
voice is typeset. This can be overcome by inserting a rest or note
between the voice command and the grace note."
Seems that changing graceSettings is confused too.
I didn't manage to apply the shown workaround to your example.
But replacing \voiceOne, \voiceTwo with \stemUp, \stemDown works,
although this will lead to some other problems.
So I come up with the code below, containing three suggestions, I'd
prefer `Suggestion II'.
`Suggestion III' is needed only, if you want a complete new definition
of graceSettings.
\version "2.15.38"
\score {
\new Staff
%%%% Suggestion I
% $(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'beam-thickness '0.5)
% \override Staff.Beam #'beam-thickness = #0.55
\new Voice = "first"
\clef "treble_8"
\time 3/8
e'4. | %2
\appoggiatura { b'32 [ c'' b' ais' ] } b'8 [ c'' b'16{ \stemDown a,8 a, a, }
\glissando e'' ] | %2
\new Voice= "second"
%%%% Suggestion II
\layout {
\override Beam #'beam-thickness = #0.55
$(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Beam 'beam-thickness '0.5)
%%%% Suggestion III
% \layout {
% \override Beam #'beam-thickness = #0.55
% \context {
% \Voice
% graceSettings = #`(
% (Voice Stem direction ,UP)
% (Voice Stem font-size -3)
% (Voice Flag font-size -3)
% (Voice NoteHead font-size -3)
% (Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4)
% (Voice Dots font-size -3)
% (Voice Stem length-fraction 0.8)
% (Voice Stem no-stem-extend #t)
% (Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.5)
% (Voice Beam length-fraction 0.8)
% (Voice Accidental font-size -4)
% (Voice AccidentalCautionary font-size -4)
% (Voice Slur direction ,DOWN)
% (Voice Script font-size -3)
% (Voice Fingering font-size -8)
% (Voice StringNumber font-size -8)
% )
% }
% }
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