From: | Lukas-Fabian Moser |
Subject: | Re: Ambitus with shape notes |
Date: | Sat, 12 Aug 2017 12:05:35 +0200 |
Amazing, thanks Lukas!I'll play around with this later but at first glance it looks like it ought to be able to do what I'd like.Regarding your point about key changes within a piece, it's luckily not really relevant to me since the kind of music that's written using shape notes almost never changes key.Cheers!BarryOn 11 Aug 2017 10:07 am, "Lukas-Fabian Moser" <address@hidden> wrote:Hi Barry,nevertheless, here is a working solution (derived from http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/learning/advance ). Beware though: The notehead style is chosen here on a by-sounding-pitch basis, so it has to be adapted for pieces in another key. But for the reasons I explained, I'm not sure that this is not basically "right".d-tweaks-with-scheme Of course, there certainly is a way to write a routine in such a way that you can give the desired style and desired key signature once while issuing \override AmbitusNoteHead.style = ... - the routine then rotate the note heads around accordingly - but this exceeds both my scheme skills and available time :-).\version "2.19.44"#(define (style-sacredHarp-notehead grob)"Change the notehead style according to pitch class."(let ((mod-position (modulo (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position)7)))(case mod-position;; Return styles((1) 'fa) ; for C((2) 'sol) ; for D((3) 'la) ; for E((4) 'fa) ; for F((5) 'sol) ; for G((6) 'la) ; for A((0) 'mi) ; for B)))% Standard definitions for \aikenHeads or \sacredHarpHeads may be% found in lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/property-init.ly: %%% aikenHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re miMirror fa sol la ti)% aikenHeadsMinor = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(la ti do re miMirror fa sol)% funkHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(doFunk reFunk miFunk faFunk solFunk laFunk tiFunk)% funkHeadsMinor = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(laFunk tiFunk doFunk reFunk miFunk faFunk solFunk)% sacredHarpHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa sol la fa sol la mi)% sacredHarpHeadsMinor = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(la mi fa sol la fa sol)% southernHarmonyHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(faThin sol laThin faThin sol laThin miThin)% southernHarmonyHeadsMinor = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(laThin miThin faThin sol laThin faThin sol)% walkerHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(doWalker reWalker miWalker faWalker solFunk laWalker tiWalker)% walkerHeadsMinor = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(laWalker tiWalker doWalker reWalker miWalker faWalker solFunk)\layout {\context {\Voice\consists "Ambitus_engraver"}\override AmbitusNoteHead.style = #style-sacredHarp-notehead}\relative {\sacredHarpHeadsc'4 d e b'}2017-08-11 10:47 GMT+02:00 Lukas-Fabian Moser <address@hidden>:Hi Barry,unfortunately I do not have a ready-made solution - while it's possible to change the ambitus note heads to a single specific sign by issuing (for example) \override AmbitusNoteHead.style = #'do in the \layout block, this is not a solution since it changes both ambitus note heads at the same time -, I just want to point out an inherent problem:As far as I understand, \sacredHarpHeads and \aikenHeads depend on the key signature chosen (in much the same way that movable do syllables do). So, it's a bit dodgy to issue ambitus information using these signs since the key signature might change in the course of the piece. (Strictly speaking, the ambitus signs occur at a place before a key signature is issued - but this slight inconsistency applies to ambitus marks in general since they show note heads *left* to the first clef ever encountered by the singer.)BestLukas2017-08-11 10:02 GMT+02:00 Barry Parsons <address@hidden>:______________________________Hi all,As a newbie to this wonderful software I have a slightly odd request.I set vocal music using shape notes (\sacredHarpHeads or \aikenHeads). I've recently discovered the ambitus function, which is really useful.I wonder, is it possible to add the correct shaped noteheads to the ambitus at the start of a score, instead of ordinary round noteheads?Thanks in advance,Barry_________________
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