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Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode

From: Knute Snortum
Subject: Re: Convert chord mode into multi-voice mode
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:40:48 -0800

On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 1:08 PM Frédéric <> wrote:
Thank you all. I wanted to know if there was already something
available but I will build a python script for it. I'm also under
Linux and pretty used to that.

Here is an example of input:
lower = \relative f, {
 \key f \major
 \time 4/4
 <f f'>2 r
 | <f f'> r
 | <c c'>1
 | <f f'>2 r
 | <d d'>1
 | <e e'>2 <c c'>
 | <f f'> r
 | <bes, bes'>2. <a a'>4
 | <g g'>1
 | <c c'>
 | <f f'>4 r r <bes g'>
 | r8 c( g' bes c bes g bes)
 | <f a>4 r <f, f'> r

Since you're going to write a Python script, I figure I can share what I've done so far on mine.  It uses python-ly so you need to do a `pip install python-ly` first before you run it.  It makes three very big assumptions:

1) That you're using an absolute pitch of some sort.  Relative pitch is going to be a problem, I think.
2) That all chords have exactly two notes, and
3) That the first note is the lowest in the chord.

You can change relative pitch to absolute in Frescobaldi, which actually uses python-ly to do it, so you could incorporate that into your script.

Knute Snortum

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