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Re: Independent rehearsalMarks in 2.24

From: Andreas K. H. von
Subject: Re: Independent rehearsalMarks in 2.24
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 23:10:59 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.52.3-0ubuntu1

Am Sonntag, dem 29.12.2024 um 20:51 +0000 schrieb Timothy Lanfear:
On 29/12/2024 18:28, Andreas K. H. von Rüden wrote:

Is there any way i can achieve this in version 2.24?

Thanks in advance.


Running convert-ly gives a clue:

Not smart enough to convert \consists Mark_engraver. If independent mark sequences are desired, use multiple Mark_tracking_translators. Please refer to the manual for details, and update manually.

Here is how it should look for v2.24

\version "2.24.0" StimmeA = \relative { \mark #1 c''1 c1 \mark \default c1 } StimmeB = \relative { s1 \mark #1 s1 s1 } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Mark_engraver" \remove "Mark_tracking_translator" \remove "Staff_collecting_engraver" rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-letters } \context { \Voice \consists "Mark_engraver" \consists "Mark_tracking_translator" \consists "Staff_collecting_engraver" } \context { \Dynamics \consists "Mark_engraver" \consists "Mark_tracking_translator" \consists "Staff_collecting_engraver" \override RehearsalMark.direction = #DOWN rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers } } \score { << \new Staff << \new Voice { \StimmeA } \new Dynamics { \StimmeB } >> >> }

That worked, thanks a lot!

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