\set Staff.middleCPosition = -11
\once \override Staff.Clef.stencil = ##f
\clef bass % inserted bass clef for left hand/bass comping.
\set Staff.clefPosition = -3
\set Staff.middleCPosition = 1
\set Staff.middleCClefPosition = 1
{\repeat unfold 4 {c1 d e f} }
\new Staff \with {
However, as you may well agree, if a clef changes in the middleway through a system, you would need to have the new clef shown. You can make the clef change appear by commenting or deleting the line: \once \override Staff.Clef.stencil = ##f ...But merely doing so with this particular code will place the clef **behind** the barline, turning the music with some unsightly situation. In order to fix that, i.e. have the clef appear **after** the barline, you need to override \override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders. See below:
\set Staff.middleCPosition = -11
% \once \override Staff.Clef.stencil = ##f
\override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders =
#(make-vector 3 '(
\clef bass
\set Staff.clefPosition = -3
\set Staff.middleCPosition = 1
\set Staff.middleCClefPosition = 1
{ \repeat unfold 4 {c1 d e f} }
\new Staff \with {