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Re: Specifying font-series for system font.

From: Mike Kilmer
Subject: Re: Specifying font-series for system font.
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 21:31:59 -0600

Yes. That's it! Thank you. I guess I needed to Read the Fine Manual more closely.

I'm using it in an imported file:

`lyricfont = \override LyricText.font-name = "American Typewriter SemiBold"`

With use like `words = \lyricmode { \lyricfont One up -- on a time % ...}`

Curious, though, if there is a LyricText-specific global-font-override (eg not for all #:roman)

Again, danke and prospero año nuevo.

Based on what's written at

I would guess that using

\override LyricText.font-name = "American Typewriter Bold" 

would make it work for you

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