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Re: key and/or time signature at end of line

From: Paul Scott
Subject: Re: key and/or time signature at end of line
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:37:06 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Thank you for your reply, Hans

I'll get back with an example soon. These answers all seem to address the case where the changes happen one measure before the end of the line rather then on the next line.


On 1/25/25 11:51 AM, Hans Aikema wrote:

On 25 Jan 2025, at 19:33, Hans Aikema <> wrote:

On 25 Jan 2025, at 00:35, Paul Scott <> wrote:

When a time signature or key change happens at the beginning of a line it is 
repeated at the end of the previous line. This is good and normal.

The space needed for this is taken from the last  measure on that previous line 
often making that last measure very cramped . Is there a way to change this?
Of course...
And to do it only for a single case in a larger piece you could use it by just 
surrounding the measure-after-the-break that has the time-signature / key 
change that you want to have hidden end-of-line with a set/unset for the 
explicitKeySignatureVisibility and prefix both \override-s with a \once:

\version "2.24.4"
     \time 4/4
     \key g \major
     1 | \break

     \set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
     \once \override Staff.KeyCancellation.break-visibility = 
     \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.break-visibility = 
     \time 2/4
     \key f \major
     2 | \break
     \unset Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility

     \time 4/4
     \key e \major


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