Thanks, and thank you for this excellent software. I particularly
like the mediastremaer framework. It's so simple and straight-forward
it didn't take me very long to figure out how to implement my own
I had no "show-stopper" issues with a 2 input / 2 output filter but I
do get some strange errors logged to the terminal that I haven't had
time to take a look at. These errors don't seem to effect the call at
I get a bunch of these:
Debug: sleeping function called from invalid context at mm/slab.c:1989
in_atomic():1, irqs_disabled():1 .... followed by a long call trace
But this is probably just a result of the way I have my kernel /
system configured.
I get two "Opening soundcard" messages, i.e.:
Message:ms_filter_add_link: OssRead,0 -> EC,1
Message:ms_filter_add_link: EC,1 -> GSMEncoder,0
Message:ms_filter_add_link: GSMEncoder,0 -> RTPSend,0
Message:ms_filter_add_link: RTPRecv,0 -> GSMDecoder,0
Message:ms_filter_add_link: GSMDecoder,0 -> EC,0
Message:ms_filter_add_link: EC,0 -> OssWrite,0
Message:Opening sound card in capture mode with
Message:dsp blocksize is 512.
Message:Opening sound card in playback mode with
Message:Opening sound card in playback mode with
And it doesn't terminate the call very cleanly. I get a bunch of these:
msosswrite.c:148- assertionw->sndcard!=NULLfailed
msfilter.c:414- assertionf->finputs==0failed
msfilter.c:415- assertionf->foutputs==0failed
msfilter.c:414- assertionf->finputs==0failed
msfilter.c:414- assertionf->finputs==0failed
msfilter.c:415- assertionf->foutputs==0failed
As mentioned in my previous email I'm using a fairly unique system.
I'm running on an embedded MIPS processor using uclibc and using an
ALSA driver I wrote myself so these errors may not appear on a
"normal" system, or there may be different errors.
If you add a checkbox for this echo canceler make sure you mention
it's experimental. :)
I think the algorithm itself could still use some tweaking too. It
will behave in a different manner depending on the level of
background noise and so far I've only been testing it with a fixed
level. I'll try to improve it as I get more time but if there's
anyone out there that is interested in signal processing and wants to
take a look at it that would be really cool.
Simon MORLAT wrote:
I've just had a look on your excellent work, thank you very much.
I saw that you implemented a 2-input 2-output MSFilter to achieve
this, this is actually exactly the right way... but I didn't think
that the mediastreamer was able to nearly correctly handle those
kind of complex graphs... Actually the scheduling algorithm I've
implemented was first designed to run simple linear graphs. You
haven't experienced strange things about that ?
Anyway as it works I will integrate it into linphone and add
checkbutton to enable/disable it. It may take some time, because the
goal for now is to stabilize the 1.0.0 release first.
Charles Eidsness wrote:
Hi All,
I've been working on an acoustic echo canceler for Linphone. I have
something that kind-of works for me and thought I'd post it in case
there's someone else out there interested. I think it just needs a
little more tuning, I hope to have it functional someday.
I've been using Linphone 0.12.1, and am using uClibc on an embedded
MIPS processor so there's a chance it may not work on another
platform. I've been trying to keep everything as fixed-point math
since there's no FPU on my processor but I did implement a couple
filters as floating point. (I'm using soft-float from gcc compiler)
Also, I borrowed liberally from the mark2 echo canceler which is
part of the Zaptel package for Asterisk so you can look at it as
well if you're super-keen.
I split my changes / additions into three patches to make them
easier to take a quick look at:
-- adds ec.c and ec.h to the mediastreamer
-- adds msEC.c, msEC.h and test_ec to the mediastreamer
-- edits the mediastreamers, audiostream.c and
mediastream.h to add a echo canceler filter block in the audio stream
-- all three patches in one file
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