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[Linphone-developers] c# mono linphone

From: Per Cramer
Subject: [Linphone-developers] c# mono linphone
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 08:38:07 +0100



We are running an embedded linux board and we are programming for it using mono / c#. I now would like to control an instance of linphone (or liblinphone) from our program. I have seen the samples on the site using linphonec / linphoecsh to start calls using a shell. But that is only for starting calls (as far as I can see). But I would also like to receive some info on incoming cals of course.


So are there other ways on how to do this? I read somewhere that there is a named pipe that could be used. But there isn’t much info to find on that either. Which commands can be used with this pipe for example?





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