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[linterna-magica-commit] [24] Adding a tag for the 0.0.9-3 version
From: |
Ivaylo Valkov |
Subject: |
[linterna-magica-commit] [24] Adding a tag for the 0.0.9-3 version |
Date: |
Sat, 26 Mar 2011 09:15:50 +0000 |
Revision: 24
Author: valkov
Date: 2011-03-26 09:15:50 +0000 (Sat, 26 Mar 2011)
Log Message:
Adding a tag for the 0.0.9-3 version
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Property changes on: tags/0.0.9-2/0.0.9
Added: svn:mergeinfo
+ /trunk:6,9,11,13,19,21
Deleted: tags/0.0.9-2/0.0.9/src/lm_constructors.js
--- branches/0.0.9/src/lm_constructors.js 2011-03-24 20:50:52 UTC (rev 22)
+++ tags/0.0.9-2/0.0.9/src/lm_constructors.js 2011-03-26 09:15:50 UTC (rev 24)
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-// @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
-// JavaScript code in this page (or file).
-// This file is part of Linterna Mágica
-// Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Ivaylo Valkov <address@hidden>
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Anton Katsarov <address@hidden>
-// The JavaScript code in this page (or file) is free software: you
-// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
-// General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
-// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
-// any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
-// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
-// As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
-// may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
-// that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
-// section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
-// through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
-// @licend The above is the entire license notice for the JavaScript
-// code in this page (or file).
-// @source http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica
-// Linterna Mágica constructor
-function LinternaMagica(params)
- this.debug_level = params.debug;
- if (this.debug_level && params.log_to == "web")
- {
- var logger = this.create_web_logger();
- this.log_to = "web";
- if (!logger)
- {
- this.log_to = "console";
- }
- var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- if (!body)
- {
- this.log_to = "console";
- }
- else
- {
- body.appendChild(logger);
- // With fixed position this is not needed
- // var bottom =parseInt(body.clientHeight|| body.offsetHeight)-30;
- // logger.style.setProperty("top", bottom+"px", "important");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.log_to = "console";
- }
- // FIXME: This might be used in a frame and after the object is
- // replaced, everithing else to be removed leaving only the
- // video. This way it might be possible to play videos from remote
- // sites in Epiphany (no GM_ API and xmlHttpReqeust is restricted to
- // the same origin).
- var w = null;
- // Firefox adn forks in Greasemonkey
- try
- {
- w = unsafeWindow;
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- w = window;
- }
- if (w.top != w.self)
- {
- this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
- "Skipping (i)frame with address: "+
- window.location,1);
- return null;
- }
- // Skip ted.com at the front page. With Gnash installed the flash
- // object is created. The flashvars attrubute value is 24 KB
- // (kilo*bytes*) and Firefox and forks block
- if (/ted\.com/i.test(window.location.hostname) &&
- !/[A-Za-z0-9]+/i.test(window.location.pathname))
- {
- this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
- "Skipping TED front page!"+
- " Blocks Firefox and forks.");
- return null;
- }
- // Do not change order
- this.check_flash_plugin();
- this.set_priority(params.priority);
- this.set_autostart(params.autostart);
- this.set_controls(params.controls);
- this.set_cookies(params.cookies);
- this.set_wait_dailymotion(params.wait_dm);
- this.set_check_updates(params.updates);
- // check_for_updates() MUST be called only if there is video object
- // found. The only place where the user can be informed is in the
- // interface. It is not a good idea to fetch the updates.js script
- // (with JSONP data) on every page. check_for_updates() is called
- // in create_video_object().
- // Add the style sheet to the head of the document.
- this.create_stylesheet();
- // Array of flash objects
- this.dirty_objects = new Array();
- // Array of created "video" objects
- this.video_objects = new Array();
- // Object holding data for curently processed video ids with
- // XMLHttpRequest. Keys video_id+host , values 1/0.
- // Prevent creation of two video objects in YouTube
- this.requested_ids =new Object();
- if (this.controls)
- {
- // setInterval ids for the video time position counter function
- this.player_timers = new Array();
- }
- // If there is a plugin installed do not search in scripts.
- // Exception for blip.tv. This is the easiesy way to
- // support it with installed plugin.
- if (!this.plugin_is_installed ||
- /blip\.tv/i.test(window.location.hostname) ||
- /myvideo\.de/i.test(window.location.hostname))
- {
- this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
- "Examining scripts.", 4);
- // video.google.* bloats in this function. It takes around 1 min
- this.extract_objects_from_scripts();
- }
- this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
- "Adding DOM event listener for inserted node.",1);
- // Work-around for FlashBlock && Installed plugin (some sites remove
- // the scripts while insrting the object, so we cannot extract the
- // information.
- var self = this;
- var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- // Exit if the body is not found (Sometimes an error occurrs while
- // adding the event listener)
- // ** Message: console message: undefined @161: TypeError: Result of
- // expression 'body' [undefined] is not an object.**
- if (!body)
- return;
- // This way it can be removed somewhere if needed. Currentlu not
- // used;
- this.inserted_node_listener = function(ev)
- {
- var el = this;
- self.if_node_is_inserted.
- apply(self, [ev, el]);
- };
- body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted",
- this.inserted_node_listener, true);
- this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
- "Checking DOM for objects",1);
- this.extract_objects_from_dom(document);
-LinternaMagica.prototype = new Object ();
-LinternaMagica.constructor = LinternaMagica;
-LinternaMagica.prototype.version = "@VERSION@";
-LinternaMagica.prototype.name = "Linterna Mágica";
-// Release date string in POISIX time format (date +"%s")
-// FIXME: Add real string
-LinternaMagica.prototype.release_date = "1300639727";
-// The URL with information about the latest version. Must
-// return JSONP data:
-// linterna_magica_latest_version({
-// date: <release date>, // string in POISIX time format (date +"%s")>
-// version: <version>, // string
-LinternaMagica.prototype.updates_page =
- "http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica/downloads/updates.js";
-// "http://localhost/linterna-magica/downloads/updates.js";
-LinternaMagica.prototype.description =
- _("Watch video on the web ")+
- _("in a brand new way: ")+
- _("You don't need a glint, ")+
- _("the magic lantern is ignited!");
-LinternaMagica.prototype.license =
- _("This program is free software; ")+
- _("you can redistribute it and/or ")+
- _("modify it under the terms of the ")+
- _("GNU General Public License (GNU GPL)")+
- _(" version 3 (or later). ")+
- _("A copy of the license can be downloaded from ");
-LinternaMagica.prototype.license_link =
- "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html";
-LinternaMagica.prototype.homepage =
- "http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica";
-// "http://localhost/lm";
-// This is filled during build from the Makefile
-LinternaMagica.prototype.copyrights = new Array();
-// This object holds all the functions to control
-// the playback via web controls
-LinternaMagica.prototype.player = new Object();
-// Find which video plugin is in use and
-// set some variables and texts
-// (player_name, volume)
-LinternaMagica.prototype.player.init = function(id)
- this.player.set_player_name.apply(this,[id]);
- var self = this;
- // We only start the firs clip
- if (this.autostart && id ==0)
- {
- // Sometimes it skips seconds if the
- // interval is 1sec
- this.player_timers[id] = setInterval(function()
- {
- self.ticker.apply(self,[id]);
- }, 500);
- }
- var volume_interval =
- setInterval(function()
- {
- var knob = document.getElementById(
- "linterna-magica-controls-"+
- "volume-slider-knob-"+id);
- if (!knob)
- return;
- var text = knob.nextSibling;
- var slider = knob.parentNode;
- var vol = null;
- var video_object = self.
- get_video_object(id);
- var player_name =
- video_object.
- getAttribute("player_name");
- if (/gecko/i.test(player_name)
- || /quicktime plug-in/i.test(player_name))
- {
- try
- {
- vol =
- video_object.GetVolume();
- if (/quicktime/i.test(player_name))
- {
- // totemNarrowspace uses 255 as max
- // calculate as 100 %
- vol = parseInt(vol * 100/255);
- }
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- }
- }
- else if (/vlc/i.test(player_name))
- {
- if (video_object.audio)
- {
- vol =
- video_object.audio.
- volume;
- }
- }
- if (vol)
- {
- var pos = parseInt(
- (slider.clientWidth*vol/100) -
- knob.clientWidth-knob.clientWidth/2);
- knob.style.setProperty("left", pos+"px",
- "important");
- text.textContent = vol+"%";
- clearInterval(volume_interval);
- }
- }, 800);
Copied: tags/0.0.9-2/0.0.9/src/lm_constructors.js (from rev 23,
--- tags/0.0.9-2/0.0.9/src/lm_constructors.js (rev 0)
+++ tags/0.0.9-2/0.0.9/src/lm_constructors.js 2011-03-26 09:15:50 UTC (rev 24)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
+// JavaScript code in this page (or file).
+// This file is part of Linterna Mágica
+// Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Ivaylo Valkov <address@hidden>
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Anton Katsarov <address@hidden>
+// The JavaScript code in this page (or file) is free software: you
+// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+// General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software
+// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+// any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
+// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details.
+// As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
+// may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
+// that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
+// section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
+// through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
+// @licend The above is the entire license notice for the JavaScript
+// code in this page (or file).
+// @source http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica
+// Linterna Mágica constructor
+function LinternaMagica(params)
+ this.debug_level = params.debug;
+ if (this.debug_level && params.log_to == "web")
+ {
+ var logger = this.create_web_logger();
+ this.log_to = "web";
+ if (!logger)
+ {
+ this.log_to = "console";
+ }
+ var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+ if (!body)
+ {
+ this.log_to = "console";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ body.appendChild(logger);
+ // With fixed position this is not needed
+ // var bottom =parseInt(body.clientHeight|| body.offsetHeight)-30;
+ // logger.style.setProperty("top", bottom+"px", "important");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.log_to = "console";
+ }
+ // FIXME: This might be used in a frame and after the object is
+ // replaced, everithing else to be removed leaving only the
+ // video. This way it might be possible to play videos from remote
+ // sites in Epiphany (no GM_ API and xmlHttpReqeust is restricted to
+ // the same origin).
+ var w = null;
+ // Firefox adn forks in Greasemonkey
+ try
+ {
+ w = unsafeWindow;
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ w = window;
+ }
+ if (w.top != w.self)
+ {
+ this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
+ "Skipping (i)frame with address: "+
+ window.location,1);
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Skip ted.com at the front page. With Gnash installed the flash
+ // object is created. The flashvars attrubute value is 24 KB
+ // (kilo*bytes*) and Firefox and forks block
+ if (/ted\.com/i.test(window.location.hostname) &&
+ !/[A-Za-z0-9]+/i.test(window.location.pathname))
+ {
+ this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
+ "Skipping TED front page!"+
+ " Blocks Firefox and forks.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Do not change order
+ this.check_flash_plugin();
+ this.set_priority(params.priority);
+ this.set_autostart(params.autostart);
+ this.set_controls(params.controls);
+ this.set_cookies(params.cookies);
+ this.set_wait_dailymotion(params.wait_dm);
+ this.set_check_updates(params.updates);
+ // check_for_updates() MUST be called only if there is video object
+ // found. The only place where the user can be informed is in the
+ // interface. It is not a good idea to fetch the updates.js script
+ // (with JSONP data) on every page. check_for_updates() is called
+ // in create_video_object().
+ // Add the style sheet to the head of the document.
+ this.create_stylesheet();
+ // Array of flash objects
+ this.dirty_objects = new Array();
+ // Array of created "video" objects
+ this.video_objects = new Array();
+ // Object holding data for curently processed video ids with
+ // XMLHttpRequest. Keys video_id+host , values 1/0.
+ // Prevent creation of two video objects in YouTube
+ this.requested_ids =new Object();
+ if (this.controls)
+ {
+ // setInterval ids for the video time position counter function
+ this.player_timers = new Array();
+ }
+ // If there is a plugin installed do not search in scripts.
+ // Exception for blip.tv. This is the easiesy way to
+ // support it with installed plugin.
+ if (!this.plugin_is_installed ||
+ /blip\.tv/i.test(window.location.hostname) ||
+ /myvideo\.de/i.test(window.location.hostname))
+ {
+ this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
+ "Examining scripts.", 4);
+ // video.google.* bloats in this function. It takes around 1 min
+ this.extract_objects_from_scripts();
+ }
+ this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
+ "Adding DOM event listener for inserted node.",1);
+ // Work-around for FlashBlock && Installed plugin (some sites remove
+ // the scripts while insrting the object, so we cannot extract the
+ // information.
+ var self = this;
+ var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+ // Exit if the body is not found (Sometimes an error occurrs while
+ // adding the event listener)
+ // ** Message: console message: undefined @161: TypeError: Result of
+ // expression 'body' [undefined] is not an object.**
+ if (!body)
+ return;
+ // This way it can be removed somewhere if needed. Currentlu not
+ // used;
+ this.inserted_node_listener = function(ev)
+ {
+ var el = this;
+ self.if_node_is_inserted.
+ apply(self, [ev, el]);
+ };
+ body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted",
+ this.inserted_node_listener, true);
+ this.log("LinternaMagica.constructor:\n"+
+ "Checking DOM for objects",1);
+ this.extract_objects_from_dom(document);
+LinternaMagica.prototype = new Object ();
+LinternaMagica.constructor = LinternaMagica;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.version = "@VERSION@";
+LinternaMagica.prototype.name = "Linterna Mágica";
+// Release date string in POISIX time format (date +"%s")
+// FIXME: Add real string
+LinternaMagica.prototype.release_date = "1301130751";
+// The URL with information about the latest version. Must
+// return JSONP data:
+// linterna_magica_latest_version({
+// date: <release date>, // string in POISIX time format (date +"%s")>
+// version: <version>, // string
+LinternaMagica.prototype.updates_page =
+ "http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica/downloads/updates.js";
+// "http://localhost/linterna-magica/downloads/updates.js";
+LinternaMagica.prototype.description =
+ _("Watch video on the web ")+
+ _("in a brand new way: ")+
+ _("You don't need a glint, ")+
+ _("the magic lantern is ignited!");
+LinternaMagica.prototype.license =
+ _("This program is free software; ")+
+ _("you can redistribute it and/or ")+
+ _("modify it under the terms of the ")+
+ _("GNU General Public License (GNU GPL)")+
+ _(" version 3 (or later). ")+
+ _("A copy of the license can be downloaded from ");
+LinternaMagica.prototype.license_link =
+ "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html";
+LinternaMagica.prototype.homepage =
+ "http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica";
+// "http://localhost/lm";
+// This is filled during build from the Makefile
+LinternaMagica.prototype.copyrights = new Array();
+// This object holds all the functions to control
+// the playback via web controls
+LinternaMagica.prototype.player = new Object();
+// Find which video plugin is in use and
+// set some variables and texts
+// (player_name, volume)
+LinternaMagica.prototype.player.init = function(id)
+ this.player.set_player_name.apply(this,[id]);
+ var self = this;
+ // We only start the firs clip
+ if (this.autostart && id ==0)
+ {
+ // Sometimes it skips seconds if the
+ // interval is 1sec
+ this.player_timers[id] = setInterval(function()
+ {
+ self.ticker.apply(self,[id]);
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ var volume_interval =
+ setInterval(function()
+ {
+ var knob = document.getElementById(
+ "linterna-magica-controls-"+
+ "volume-slider-knob-"+id);
+ if (!knob)
+ return;
+ var text = knob.nextSibling;
+ var slider = knob.parentNode;
+ var vol = null;
+ var video_object = self.
+ get_video_object(id);
+ var player_name =
+ video_object.
+ getAttribute("player_name");
+ if (/gecko/i.test(player_name)
+ || /quicktime plug-in/i.test(player_name))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ vol =
+ video_object.GetVolume();
+ if (/quicktime/i.test(player_name))
+ {
+ // totemNarrowspace uses 255 as max
+ // calculate as 100 %
+ vol = parseInt(vol * 100/255);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else if (/vlc/i.test(player_name))
+ {
+ if (video_object.audio)
+ {
+ vol =
+ video_object.audio.
+ volume;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vol)
+ {
+ var pos = parseInt(
+ (slider.clientWidth*vol/100) -
+ knob.clientWidth-knob.clientWidth/2);
+ knob.style.setProperty("left", pos+"px",
+ "important");
+ text.textContent = vol+"%";
+ clearInterval(volume_interval);
+ }
+ }, 800);
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- [linterna-magica-commit] [24] Adding a tag for the 0.0.9-3 version,
Ivaylo Valkov <=