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Re: lout to xyz converters?

From: Mark Summerfield
Subject: Re: lout to xyz converters?
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 10:41:31 +0000

The problem I'm trying to solve is this.
For all my previous books I got the publisher to agree to accept a camera-ready PDF and this I produced using lout.
But nowadays publishers are "e-book" first and seem hardly to care about typesetting -- at least for books that won't be bestsellers.

So now I need to write in a format that will output what publishers want (typically Word, i.e., docx), but also PDF (for me to preview and check), and epub and mobi (in case publishers will accept or if I decided to self-publish).

I did try LyX but I prefer plain text + markup.

I really don't like LaTeX and at the opposite end of the scale find pandoc's markdown too primitive.
I'm experimenting with ascciidoctor and ascciidoctor-pdf (there's also an ascciidoctor-epub extension), but have pretty mixed feelings about it.

I'd love to use lout as _source_ (not target), but I really need good lout to xxx where xxx is tractable for this to work.

So I'm still searching for a plain text markup (not docbook or other heavy XML-based) that will give me the output formats I need...

On Mon, 28 Dec 2020 at 09:13, Mark Summerfield <mark@qtrac.eu> wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions.

I'd have been tempted by Skribilo if it was written in Racket and used
Racket's #lang feature to provide a less Lisp-y markup (like Scribble

At the moment I've decided to evaluate LyX.

Best wishes,

On Sun, 27 Dec 2020 22:06:50 +0100
Martin Michel <martin@famic.de> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> this is not directly what you are looking for, but there are markup
> languages which are capable to produce Lout output.  So if you are
> open to write your documents in one of those languages, you can render
> it in Lout (for printing) or HTML and others.
> * [Skribilo](https://www.nongnu.org/skribilo/)
> * [txt2tags](https://txt2tags.org/)
> Kind regards,
> Martin

Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd.
    DiffPDF - easy to use PDF comparison application

Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd., www.qtrac.eu

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