Hi Stuart, thanks for your reply.
The source is at
Maybe it is a random URL based on web-session variable, in that case
just got at:
md5sum /opt/ltib/pkgs/sysstat-9.0.3.tar.gz
0b464951596db934418259737cf50a31 /opt/ltib/pkgs/sysstat-9.0.3.tar.gz
Thanks again.
Hamilton Vera
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Stuart Hughes <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
Hi Hamilton,
The 8.1.2 spec file was written at Freescale, normally the content
should be pushed out to the GPP after review there. I'm not sure
why it hasn't been as it looks to be just the standard Debian
sources: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/sysstat
I will contact some ex-colleagues there and see if I can get this
pushed out as it _should_ be there.
Thanks for your spec file. Do you have a URL for the tarball if
references? I could upload that to the GPP.
Regards, Stuart
Hamilton Vera wrote:
Greetings masters, the sysstat.spec that comes with the recent ltib
installation does not work:
11:49:26 ERROR 404: Not Found.
Can't get: sysstat_8.1.2.orig.tar.gz at ./ltib line 789.
The sysstat_8.1.2.orig.tar.gz file is missing in the repository.
Here goes the new spec, using the most recent version of sysstat
(9.0.3), no patching is needed for iMX27ADS.
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Hamilton Vera
int Administrator (char Network[],char ComputationalSystems[])