In my attempt to get overview of the ltib build system, I have made a
patch that dumps all file system operations when ltib is running. By
patching the current CVS HEAD with the attached patch, the feature can
be enabled by using the --logcmd command line option.
For me this was particularly important since ltib were requesting sudo
root access all the time, yet did not tell properly what was going on
(opposite to a Makefile or a shellscript with set -x). My paranoia turns
on and I wrote this patch.
There are two patches attached:
* logcmd.patch
Enable "--logcmd" command logging. It logs every command, open, rename
and so on.
* logfiletest.patch
Logs all file test operations. E.g. code like "if -e" and such will be
logged. Genererates a lot of output, but can be great to see what the
ltib is test and probing for.
The latter needs to be applied after the logcmd.patch has been applied.
But you don't need the latter for the first to work.
The patches are not elegant nor perfect, so you'll have to take it for
what it is. The latter is especially considered "dirty" as it limits the
way and freedom of the perl language.
I hope it can be useful (to some).
Best regards,
- Svein
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