On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 18:27 -0400, B.J. Buchalter wrote:
So, related to, but different from my previous question: I am working
with a freescale ltib BSP (for the MPC8377).
The kernel version in that BSP is 2.6.25
There has been a bunch of development in the firewire drivers in the
kernel. Merging in the changes to FireWire into the 2.6.25 kernel
looks to be non-trivial since there have been substantial changes to
the kernel SPIs.
What is involved in bringing up a new version of the kernel within a
given BSP or LTIB if there is no direct support for it yet?
Is it worth my time (as a relative newbie) to try to get 2.6.30
building for my board? If so, is there any guide to doing it?
It looks to me like I will need to make changes to the FireWire driver
in the kernel, but that seems to be kind of a waste of time if I make
the changes on an old version of the kernel, as then there would be no
real way to get the changes/fixes into the main line. But it doesn't
make sense to be working on the head if I can't get it to build for my
Its pretty easy to add a new kernel to the LTIB world.
1) create a .spec file in dist/lfs-5.1/kernel named
kernel-<version>-<platform>.spec.in, starting with the kernel .spec.in
file you use currently. <version> is the new kernel version (2.6.30 from
your email), and <platform> is the name of the platform/platform
directory in LTIB.
2) Edit the spec file, and remove all the patches defined (you'll see to
lists of patches, one near the top that has their names, and then in
%Prep where it has the options passed to patch).
3) Change the dversion, bld_dir_name, kernel, Version, Release, etc
necessary. Here's a minimal kernel .spec.in that I've put together for
my OMAP35x work:
# Template = kernel-common.tmpl
%define pfx /opt/freescale/rootfs/%{_target_cpu}
%define dversion 2.6.30
%define bld_dir_name linux-2.6.30
%define kernel arch/arm/boot/uImage
%define pkg_name linux
Summary : Linux kernel (core of the Linux operating system)
Name : kernel
Version : 2.6.30
Release : 0
License : GPL
Vendor : kernel.org + others
Packager : Peter Barada
Group : System Environment/Kernel
Source : linux-2.6.30.tar.bz2
BuildRoot : %{_tmppath}/%{name}
Prefix : %{pfx}
%setup -n %{bld_dir_name}
3a), copy linux-2.6.30.tar.bz2 to /opt/ltib/pkgs.
4) In your config/platform/<platform>/main.lkc, add the following in the
choice list following the comment "Choose your kernel":
config KERNEL99
bool "Linux 2.6.30 for my board"
This is the 2.6.30 kernel for my board
5) In config/platform/<platform>/main.lkc, add the following to the
config PKG_KENREL:
default "linux-2.6.30 for <platform>" if KERNEL99
6) In config/platform<platform>/main.lkc add the following to the config
default "linux-2.6.30-<platform>.config" if KERNEL99
And you'll want to copy the kernels' default config for your platform to
Then the next time you do "./ltib -c", you should, under "choose your
kernel" have a choice for "linux-2.6.30", and if selected, you'll see
the kernel preconfig string change to "linux-2.6.30-<platform>.config".
Then on save/exit, you should see the kernel source get unpacked, and
the kernel be built...
Hopefully this helps...
B.J. Buchalter
Metric Halo
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Logic Product Development, Inc.
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