On 30 January 2010 12:37, Stuart Hughes <
address@hidden <mailto:
address@hidden>> wrote:
Hi Ayewin,
I've not seen this before (and don't have this host type). However
I do know others that run fine with this set-up (FC11 on dual core).
There's some kind of permissions problem (from the error message).
Here's a couple of ideas:
1/ Check to see if you have the file ~/.rpmmacros if so remove it
(unless you're actively using it).
Check that, and there is no file/directory with that name, for that matter no file/dir with "rpm"
2/ Look for any other messages from SELinux when you tried to
install. If you see them you may have to change your SELinux setting
to permissive.
I've double check that, all the SELinux is "disabled" from start anyway.
BTW: if you want to post to this list, you must subscribe, follow
the links below.
I've subscripted it and thought I sent the mail to mailing list, not sure why its not accepting it.
Regards, Stuart
Ayewin Oung wrote:
I'm trying to install ltib for the first time and it seems to go
far and stopped with following error, I've make sure that user
has full access rights as "root". It seems, I'm missing
rpm-fs-xxxxx. Could someone tell me how can resolve this ?
Thanks in advance.
Machine Config:
Linux Pagan #1 SMP Tue Jan 19
22:46:59 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Error Message from host_config.log
sudo rpm --root / --dbpath /tmp/rpm-engineer/rpmdb -e
--allmatches --nodeps --define '_tmppath
/home/engineer/ltib/tmp' rpm-fs 2>/dev/null
sudo rpm --root / --dbpath /tmp/rpm-engineer/rpmdb --ignorearch
-ivh --force --nodeps --excludedocs --define '_tmppath
Preparing... ##################################################
rpm-fs ##################################################
error: Couldn't create temporary file for
%post(rpm-fs-4.0.4-1.x86_64): Permission denied
Died at ./ltib line 2451.
Started: Fri Jan 29 20:34:31 2010
Ended: Fri Jan 29 20:39:22 2010
Elapsed: 291 seconds
Build Failed
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