I have tested the 2.6.33 kernel from ltib, and we get the same, with
a little bit more
information but not too much:
mmcblk0: error -115 sending stop command, response 0xc00, card
status 0xe00
El 17/11/2010 17:34, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo escribió:
No, removing BURST_DMA didn't fix it, it's something related to
that R4 patch,
not sure what's wrong with it.
Kevin, do you know who's the author of the lpc313x_mmc.c host
driver in R4 patch?
El 17/11/2010 17:20, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo escribió:
Not sure if my comments will fix it,
I'm facing the exact same problem after switching to the MMC
driver included in the R4 patch
for the LPC313x kernel from NXP.
I will make some tests to discover what's wrong, if I fix it I
will tell you.
El 15/11/2010 2:59, casper iway escribió:
hi Stuart,
its Casper/Kasper whichever... Nolan is my colleague, he
forgot to put my name instead..
Anyway, i do have enough (free) space, i have 1GB SD card
and the Root Filesystem only taken up 250MB. I also mount the
card on an Ubuntu laptop with SD card reader and i think its
OK (i guess!), since i dont see any warning and i could mount,
umount, copy, delete,etc... But im not really sure, because
this is not a brand new card, i once use this card for my old
camera. Is there any tool i can use to fully test my SD cards
integrity or something? as i am not familiar with any tools
for SD card.
I may try Miguel's idea first and if i got the same
problem then i may purchase a new SD card for further
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 10:43 PM,
Stuart Hughes <address@hidden>
Hi Casper (Nolan?),
You need to worry about these messages. Make sure you
have free space
on the device. Also mount it in another machine (with a
card reader)
and check to see that there is nothing wrong with the
device itself.
Regards, Stuart
casper iway wrote:
> Hello guyz, i just work back with my LPC3131
board. I was able to setup
> a Remote System Explorer (TM/RSE) before with
this board, but that was
> using NFS mount Root Filesystem. Now i planning
to boot the Filesystem
> in my MMC/SD card, but the problem is, but during
booting up of ARM
> Linux (Kernel in NAND, RFS in MMC card), i could
see a lot of warning
> message something like "*cp: write error: No
space left on device*". But
> it will probably and successfully continue to
boot ARM Linux but then
> after a while i could read lots of warning like
"*mmcblk0: error -115
> sending stop command, response 0xc00, card status
0xe00*". Those
> warning always shown every sometime, but doesn't
really affect the
> system because i could still do all Linux
commands like browse
> directory, top, etc... But i just got annoyed
with those warnings as
> they are shown almost every minute...
> Did someone knows this problem?? Please help...
> regards,
> Nolan
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Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo
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Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo
+34 636 52 25 69
skype: ajoajoajo