# # Please examine and set the values according to your needs. # The comment out values have good defaults. If you want # to override them, uncomment and set your value. # # You can copy this to your home directory to apply these values # to other instances of this utility (becomes global for your user) # # base for location of the built root filesystem, this also doubles up as # the storage area for all interface libraries/headers. This directory # will have rootfs appended to it #%bldbase # The directory where rpms will be built #%rpmdir # The base directory where the binary rpms go #%_rpmdir # The directory containing the rpm database #%rpmdb # The directory containing scripts that spoof the compiler #%spoof_path # The directory containing scripts/binaries called from the main script #%bin_path # Local directories, these are searched before the Local Package Pool # for files. This can be a whitespace separated list (including new-lines) %ldirs /var/tmp/pkgs /opt/freescale/pkgs # The Local Package Pool, the global storage area for downloads. # This directory must exist and you must have write permission. # In general, leave this as it is. #%lpp # This is a list of the package pools to use (whitespace separated inc newline) %pps ppp gpp # The URL of the PPP (Private Package Pool) private code repository %ppp_url # The URL of the GPP (Global Package Pool) master code repository %gpp_url http://bitshrine.org/gpp/ # The URL of the GPP staging area. This is only used for -m release %gpp_stage_url http://bitshrine.org/gpp/ # The URL of the Clickthru staging area. This is only used for -m release %cpp_stage_url # The HTTP proxy for internet access # example: http://USER:address@hidden:PORT %http_proxy # For each of the sources: ppp, gpp, gpp_stage, cpp_stage # there is a corresponding entry that says whether or not # to use a proxy. # Valid values are: 1 : 0 %ppp_proxy 0 %gpp_proxy 0 %gpp_stage_proxy 0 %cpp_stage_proxy 0 # use this to bypass proxy testing (set to 1) %bypass_network_tests 0 # use for multi-processor, or with distcc %MAKEFLAGS -j 8 # distcc #%DISTCC_HOSTS #localhost @virginia:/opt/freescale/ltib/usr/bin/distccd #%DISTCC_TCP_CORK #0 # ccache related environments %CCACHE_DIR $home/.ccache # control whether datestamps are UTC (default) or localtime #%use_localtime #0 # This is used to trigger re-running the host install package # pass. Bump this number up if you update a host support # package and you want to force others to install this update %host_wait_warning .host_wait_warning35