I am trying to build the linux2.6.27.8 kernel using LTIB. But build is failed because LTIB is unable to connect to internet though I can access internet using web browser. Here's what happened -
Processing: kernel-
Build path taken because: build key set, no prebuilt rpm,
Testing network connectivity for gpp
No network download connection available
Can't get: linux- at ./ltib line 851.
f_buildrpms() returned an error, exiting
Started: Mon Apr 8 15:06:11 2013
Ended: Mon Apr 8 15:06:31 2013
Elapsed: 20 seconds
VERSION : 11.4.1
CVS_VERSION : $Revision: 1.89 $ (Savannah)
PLATFORM : phy3250
TOOLCHAIN : tc-fsl-x86lnx-armeabi-nptl-4.1.2-3.i386.rpm
TOOLCHAIN_CFLAGS : -O2 -fsigned-char -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp
These packages failed to build:
Build Failed
Exiting on error or interrupt
Please, tell me what is the problem and how to solve it.