As you mention task initialization (which is quite unproblematic) I'd
like to point to the more complicated (clean) removal of tasks from lwIP
usage. This issue hasn't been given much (any?) attention, probably
because embedded multitasking systems tend to create tasks only once and
then never remove them. Are there any plans to standardize task removal,
or is it not of general interest? (I have always been postponing to
implement it, but someday I'll surely need it.)
That's an interesting one, and I think you're right in that it's not
been given much thought. However, I can't think of anything that would
be particularly problematic. I use lwIP as a shared library, so each
process has separate state (effectively its own stack), and when a
process that uses lwIP quits, everything is automatically cleared up.
Are you using lwIP as a separate process to the application (i.e. many
tasks using a single lwIP stack)?