Hi All,
I'm creating a simple program that enables a serial device to be communicated
with over ethernet. The comms is two way. It is running on an NXP LPC1768 and
I'm using LWIP 1.3.2 Raw API.
The microcontroller acts as a server, listening for TCP connections. Once a
connection is established, on receipt of data, the TCP payload is buffered, and
then sent out over the serial port.
My problem is how to transfer data from the serial port to the tcp connection.
The only solution I can think of so far is to use tcp_poll to check if any
buffered serial data is present and then to use tcp_write followed by
tcp_output to send it back to the client.
Is this a valid use to tcp_poll?
As all my handling of lwip is executed from a single thread, can I call
tcp_write from my own function that is called at a faster rate than tcp_poll
Many thanks for your help
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