Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.8.0
We did see an issue like this on one of
our LWIP systems. Our system's networking was going very slow on a
customers site.
In our case it was due to the
customers network having a lot of video multicast packets and a
simplistic LWIP Ethernet driver. The LWIP Ethernet driver was
enabling the use of multicast packets (which we were using for
auto discovery), but it did so by allowing any packet through for
LWIP processing.
We fixed this by modifying the LWIP
Ethernet driver to only allow the particular multicast packets
through (appropriate IP address).
On 15/06/2020 18:30, Trampas Stern
I can not access the customer network to root cause
so I am working on modifying LWIP to get some stats on the
various packet types to see if the issue is the broadcast
messages, or something else.
I just find that LWIP code so confusing it takes me forever
to figure out the N layers of abstraction and such to
understand what is going on.
We finally shipped the product using LWIP
and now customers are complaining that the network
interface is not working properly on their network.
They can not load webpages as it appears too slow of a
The only thing I can figure out is they have enough
broadcast and ARP packages that it overwhelms our
ability in LWIP to handle the messages but I am not
Dr Terry Barnaby BEAM Ltd
Phone: +44 1454 324512 Northavon Business Center,
Email: Dean Rd, Yate
Web: Bristol, BS37 5NH, UK
BEAM Engineering: Instrumentation, Electronics/Software/Systems