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Re: LYNX-DEV question about [INLINE]

From: Joe Scanlan
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV question about [INLINE]
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 10:49:10 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 31 Dec 1996, Laura Eaves wrote:

> On a lot of web pages I've noticed statements like
>    This page accessed [INLINE] times since (some date)
> I'm not familiar with html or lynx internals,
> and don't know what is behind the [INLINE]
> but it seems as though it would be a command or script that would
> calculate and print a number.  This doesn't sound like it would be too
> complicated -- not like displaying a graphic or playing music...
> Is there a reason why lynx doesn't handle this?
> (Excuse me if this is a dumb question.)
> --Laura Eaves   address@hidden

No, not a dumb question.

A lot of pages use a graphic to display the number.  Often an odometer or 
something equally decorative.  The designers of these sites often don't 
bother to provide the number as text following ALT in the IMAGE tag.

Your right, it's not to complicated to provide the information but many 
Web page authors don't.

I think they coppied the same example out of a book.  *sigh*

------------- My opinions are mine alone, and that fact -------------
------------- provides intense relief for my coworkers. -------------
Joe Scanlan  N7XSD                               Clark County, Nevada
Systems Programmer                               Informations Systems
address@hidden (not work)                             PO Box 551761
address@hidden (work)                   Las Vegas, NV  89155-1761
702 455-4932 (FAX)                                                USA
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