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Re: LYNX-DEV numbered linx: 2 suggestions

From: Laura Eaves
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV numbered linx: 2 suggestions
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 17:46:53 -0500 (EST)

> -- heartfelt apologies: i will try to remember in future when posting here
>    that blind participants will have a problem with my customary abbreviations
> -- i'm interested -- and believe others on the list might like to know too --
>    whether your synthesiser can handle the well-known difficulties
>    of English spelling: does it put together 26 sounds or does it read words?
>    does it say  quote unquote  when it sees quotation marks?
>    does it know standard abbreviations like E T C for etcetera?  etcetera.
>    i ask because i'm sure most of us are interested in such technology
>    and it will certainly make it easier for everyone to discuss solutions.

I used to use a synthesizer when I had no sight.
(Now I use screen magnification.)
The software/hardwaree I had read words but could be stopped and spell words.
There was also a user definable dictionary for words it couldn't handle.
Commands/options were available for controlling whether or not to identify
capital letters / punctuation / color / etc.
It also had lots of screen navigation and windowing commands.
That was 6 years ago.  I'm sure the newer ones are even fancier.

> > are you suggesting that individual form elements be numbered (i.e. each
> > checkbox, radio button, submit/reset button) and that one would be able to
> > move the cursor/activate the choice associated with that number by typing
> > it in?  this might be a great aid to blind persons attempting to fill out
> > visually oriented forms (i.e. those which contain several options on a
> > single line)
> -- i hadn't thought of radio buttons: ms eaves simply echoed my own thoughts.
>    it certainly wouldn't hurt users of numbered links to have more of them,
>    even if they didn't need the device themselves.  it might not be difficult
>    to add it as a 3rd option, i e LINKS_AND_FORMS_ARE_NUMBERED , in  lynx.cfg 

Everyone refers to lynx.cfg.  Why not .lynxrc or the options menu?
Numbering links is already an option there.

> > i still favor the idea of a compile-time switch and/or (but prefereably
> > and) a lynx.cfg file option that allows the speech user to force lynx to
> > display checkboxes, radio buttons, and the like on single lines, much like
> > the multiple-select option to checkbox feature...
> -- this would be covered by the 3rd option above. 

I haven't heard a reply to my suggestion that typing a link number
should take you to the given link but not enter it.  Then if forms
and buttons are numbered, the behavior wouldn't have to be special cased.

Just a thought.
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