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Re: LYNX-DEV Capturing newspost output

From: Larry W. Virden, x2487
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Capturing newspost output
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 15:25:05 -0500

> I've tried a few things such as redirecting the stdout and stderr of the
> defined INEWS path, but the output just seems to flash on the screen and
> then vanish.  Any suggestions (not counting sleep(10))?

In the cmd string, add redirection to a /tmp/$$inews.txt file like

inews blah blah blah > /tmp/$$inews.txt 2>&1

and the output of stdout and stderr will end up in that file.

Now lynx should be able to be used to browse that file.
Larry W. Virden                 INET: address@hidden
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