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Re: LYNX-DEV Re: Lynx and Wyse 50

From: Jonathan Sergent
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Re: Lynx and Wyse 50
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 08:58:48 -0500

 ] I don't have an actual Wyse 50 to experiment with.  

I do.  ;-)

 ] I have Wyse 60s,
 ] which have a Wyse 50 emulation mode, but I wouldn't trust that to be
 ] accurate on matters such as: can arrow keys be programmed.  (I just
 ] checked: in "Wyse 50+" emulation mode, a Wyse 60's arrow keys can be
 ] programmed.  The sequence is
 ]   ESC Z 1 _fkey_designator_ _actual_chars_to_emit_ DEL


I doubt that this works on a real 50 (I'll try it this afternoon, though).  
I've got (a copy of a copy of) a reference guide of WYSE 50 escape codes 
and ESC Z is not listed as one of them.  The guide indicates that you can 
program function keys with `ESC z', though.

My solution is to turn on vi keys...

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