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Re: LYNX-DEV HP-UX (snake3) problems with Lynx 2.7

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV HP-UX (snake3) problems with Lynx 2.7
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 18:54:13 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Hiram Lester, Jr. wrote:
> Ok, I've identified WHAT is going on, but not why.  The addition of the
> -Ae flag to the snake3 targets is what is causing the errors on dirent
> stuff in HTFile.c.  Apparently this flag sets some things in the
> <dirent.h> headers to prevent the inclusion of the dirent stuff.  If you
> explicity add #include <dirent.h> to HTFile.c, things build fine, and the
> binary doesn't have the text/html; q=0.000 problem.
> HOWEVER, removing the -Ae flag from the snake3 target causes things to
> compile just fine.  This version, though, has the text/html; q=0.000 bug.

The important thing for avoiding the q=0.000 problem on some
architectures seems to be that the compiler flags used in the top
for the .../src files and for the .../Implementation files must be
consistent.  But earlier Makefiles looked like this:

        cd WWW/Library/snake; $(MAKE) CC="cc" LYFLAGS="$(SITE_LYDEFS)"
        cd src; $(MAKE) all CC="cc" MCFLAGS="-O -Ae -DFANCY_CURSES -DUNIX \

The addition of -Ae was a last-minute change before Fote released Lynx 2.7.
You had reported that you got the q=0.000 problem, but then (I think)
nobody with access to such a machine was available to test the patch
before 2.7 was released.  Well, just try it the other way:  omit the `-Ae'
from both.

Hmm, maybe that won't work, assuming somebody put the `-Ae' in initially
because otherwise it didn't work...

A workaround (although not a solution) might be to leave the flags
otherwise as they were in 2.6 (as above), but compile only
.../src/HTInit.c of all files in .../src with the `-Ae' flag.


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