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Re: LYNX-DEV RE: Compiling Lynx2.7 with slang on UnixWare

From: Hiram Lester, Jr.
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV RE: Compiling Lynx2.7 with slang on UnixWare
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 11:33:08 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, Jason "PsychoSy" Sizemore wrote:

> For some reason, it's trying to copy the executable in the ".." 
> directory. In the Makefile, I defined it to be copied to my 
> "/home/Titus/local/bin" directory. I don't know where it's getting the 
> ".." directory from. Did I miss something??

Well, it actually builds the binary in the src subdirectory of the lynx2-7
subdirectory where you start the make.  When it finishes, it copies the
binary back into the lynx2-7 directory.  If this is the only error you're
getting, look in the src subdirectory to see if the binary is there.

   | Hiram W. Lester, Jr.               | E-Mail: address@hidden    |
   | Computer Science                   | Home page:                    |
   | Middle Tennessee State University  | |

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