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Re: LYNX-DEV Some things I'd like in the next Lynx package.

From: Nelson Henry Eric
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Some things I'd like in the next Lynx package.
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 13:05:53 +0900 (JST)

> 2. Having 'make install' install the lynx_help heirarchy as well.  I
> realize this might be problematic since it would mean getting the path
> right in both userdefs.h and lynx.cfg (perhaps a command line option

Totally agree with this.  In the past, I've offered my target for doing
this in the hopes that someone more savvy could polish it up:
        install -c -m 555 lynx $(exec)/lynx
        install -c -m 444 $(exec)/lynx.1
        mv about_lynx/* lynx_help/
        mv docs/* lynx_help/
        tar cf - lynx_help >> $(exec)/lynx_help.tar
        cp $(exec)/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html $(exec)/
        rm -r $(exec)/lynx_help
        cd $(exec); tar xf lynx_help.tar
        rm $(exec)/lynx_help.tar
        cp $(exec)/lynx_help_main.html $(exec)/lynx_help/

An explanation that the HELPFILE variable must be set in lynx.cfg would
have to be added into lynx.cfg and INSTALLATION.  Of course, if about_lynx
and docs could be done away with, you wouldn't need the mv stuff :-)

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