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Re: LYNX-DEV Auto Configure

From: Scott McGee (Personal)
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Auto Configure
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 10:46:00 -0700

You know, I really should have known better, but I had just replaced 
lynx.cfg and userdefs.h with my modified copies from 2-7 and so of 
course the wb+ct+auto code didn't work correctly. (well, it was after
1 am at the time.) I have fixed userdefs.h and am compiling now.

This points up one thing that remains a problem with staying up to date
with lynx. It is a considerable hassle to go in and modify all the 
settings for a specific site, and then, a week later, cause something
else has changed in userdefs.h, have to do it again. Mostly, my changes
are things like LOCAL_DOMAIN, HELPFILE and such. Is there an easy way
to automate such? 

One thing that needs changing in the auto version is LYNX_VERSION 
which should be changed from "2.7wb+ct-0.4" to "2.7wb+ct-0.4+auto" or
some such.

OK, the compile completed correctly and the resulting Lynx almost works
correctly. The one problem is kind of odd. I have some custom colors 
defined at the end of my lynx.cfg. This works fine with 2-6 and 2-7, but
makes 2-7wb+ct-0.4+auto croak. These lines are:

# bold
# reverse (status bar)
# bold reverse
# underline
# bold underline
# reverse underline (current link)
# reverse underline bold

I can get the auto verion to work by using -cfg to specify the lynx.cfg 
that came with it, but otherwise it gives the error:

Syntax Error parsing COLOR in configuration file:
The line must be of the form:

Here FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND must be one of:
           black              red            green            brown
            blue          magenta             cyan        lightgray
            gray        brightred      brightgreen           yellow
      brightblue    brightmagenta       brightcyan            white
Like I say, 2-7 and 2-6 both work with this configuration. Maybe it has 
something wrong with the slang support in this auot-config version.


Scott McGee: Salt Lake Community College Webmaster | When in danger,
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