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LYNX-DEV Users reporting problems with v2.6 and v2.7

From: George Kahler
Subject: LYNX-DEV Users reporting problems with v2.6 and v2.7
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 10:45:57 -0500

I have upgraded our lynx from version 2-4-2 to ver 2.6 on AIX
and Solaris 2.5.1. User is now reporting a problem of seeing only the
first line  of a page where under 2-4-2 the user had no problems. User
is looking at

I have installed the latest lynx version 2.7, again on both AIX and Solaris
but the same problem happens. When viewed with lynx 2-4-2 on either of
the two platforms there is no problem.

Thank you for looking into this matter.


George Kahler                             e-mail:  address@hidden          
UNIX Systems Administrator                humans:  (416) 736-5257 x.22699
Computing Services, York University     machines:  (416) 736-5830
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M3J-1P3
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