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LYNX-DEV configure and ncurses

From: Jim Spath (Webmaster Jim)
Subject: LYNX-DEV configure and ncurses
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 08:05:40 -0500 (EST)

I've built Lynx with two NetBSD systems that have ncurses in different
places.  The first one was simple, but the second, where ncurses.h
is installed as /usr/local/include/curses.h, required me to do:
CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include ; export CFLAGS; configure --with-screen=ncurses

This was with

The second one has crappy colors on my XWindows xterm.  It's sort of
a dark brown on black :-(  Setting the TERM to vt220 gives me my
typical black letters on a bisque background.  I'm running XFree86-3.2.

Alright what do you want me to do?  Let's get it over with.

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