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LYNX-DEV Colours with slang seems to change when going through coloured

From: Peter Karlsson
Subject: LYNX-DEV Colours with slang seems to change when going through coloured links
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 16:11:44 +0100 (MET)

I just intalled slang and recompiled my Linux Lynx (2.7) to use it, and
now I have colours. The only thing is that if a link is in another colour
than the usual link colour (probably because it is inside <strong> or <em>
or something), when going over the link, and passing by it, the colour
changes back to the normal link colour, which makes it look kind of weird
(this happens, for example, with the Altavista search page).

Peter -
      - Association Against Big .sigs

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